
happy number five!

Oooo-weee, this has been the day of all days! And I don't mean that in a good way, but I'll save the negativity for another post. :)

This post is dedicated to my newly aged five year old ... Wynter Jett Johnson!

I took some photos of her in bed with me this morning watching TV {and added some of the day she was born}. She's always been our 'early bird.' She was up about 5:30, and I loved telling her the story of, "just five years ago, I was on my way to the hospital to have you born." Her eyes got all wide and she loved hearing it.

I went into the hospital for induction early on November 3, 2003. I can't remember my original due date. The 10th comes to mind. But I begged the doctor to 'take me early,' as I was having horrible, horrible back pain. I think if you're a pain in the butt with your doctor, they want to get your off their roster and will do pretty much anything to let you have your baby.

Wynt was born with the cord around her neck and not breathing. They quickly got the cord off and she started breathing, but they wouldn't give her to me right away. When they gave her back she was white, and ... well ... not too pretty. I loved her anyway. And love her even more today.

So this is my baby girl Wynter. She's fun. She's got a tactile kinda love. She's clumsy. When she cries, the red stork bites on her face get redder. And I think she's Piper's best friend {for now ...}.

Happy Birthday sweet Wynter.

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