
my motto {stressed, but blessed}

So ... Curt's gone up to the lake to do some 'scouting' ... that'd be slang for looking for deer. Hunting season hasn't opened yet, but Curt always likes to go up early and "become one with the trees." {direct quote!}

That leaves me at home with the girls for "3 sleeps" {another direct quote}. Why is it when he's gone all h _ _ _ breaks loose? Tears here, screams there, falls over there, spilled milk over here.

At one point I had 3 girls talking to me. I swear one eyeball was looking one way and the other the other way, with a finger pointing saying "just a minute" in the other direction. {direct quote from the finger}.

Then there's the fact that I'm trying to drop a pound or two {having some self-esteem issues}, and I tend to grab handfuls of munchies when I'm stressin' ... I wasn't so sure I wanted to share the following thought, but I'm thinking {read hoping} you'll get a kick out of it. So I'm in the pantry with my hand in a bag of goldfish {completely stressed out} when I think the following:

"All I'm trying to do is drop a couple pounds before Curt comes back so I'll feel like having {ahem, I can't write the word} when he comes back."

Okay, maybe that wasn't as funny as I thought it was. But it cracked me up {thinking about blogging about it} and got me through the night.

This is Hunter setting the table for dinner ... she took her job very seriously.

And for the evening entertainment ... hot off the UPS truck ... the newly released 'Tinkerbell.' Here are some photos I captured of the evening. We pulled out the sofa bed, lit a fire, popped some corn and settled in for a little pixie dust. Some of us felt compelled to work on our laptops {and it wasn't me!}.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are amazing...not sure how you do it...yes I am...the more you have to do the more you figure out...when you have nothing to do...you figure you can do it tomorrow....you go girl!