Poor little huntie needed surgery again. First one was in April to get tubes in both ears and a dermoid cyst removed from her brow.
All went well with that surgery but she’s still sick all the time. Basically, if she’s not on antibiotics, she’s sick.
I woke Hunter at 5:15ish this morning and put her right in the car in her p.j.’s. Curt is traveling, so Taylor slept in my bed for when Piper & Wynter woke. Granny was coming over a little later in the morning to take them to school.
So it was recommended to remove her adenoids. We had that done this morning (they also replaced one ear tube).
She was so cute (sad to say) in her little hospital gown. She stayed pretty drugged up for a while, but when she came to, she tried with all her might to get the tubes and cords off of her!
She’s sleepy, but recovering well ...
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